V. kvintradze

General Physics
Part II
Appropriate Guidance


უაკ 53

ISBN 978-9941-20-959-8 (All part), 978-9941-28-185-3 (Second part)

127 გვერდი

დამტკიცების თარიღი 29.06.2018


Part II of appropriate guidance is written also, as part I, in accordance to program of physics for the students of non-physical, namely, engineering specialties) of Georgian Technical University. The book contains the basic notions of classical and modern physics (on topics: magnetic field, elec­tromagnetic induction and magnetic properties of matter, electromagnetic waves, geo­me­tric and wave optics, quantum nature of radiation, atomic and nucleus phy­sics) which is given in the popular style. The book will be useful for per­sons intere­sted in general physics.

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