
UDC 636.39:599.735

ISBN 978-9941-20-917-8

159 page(s)

Approval date 17.05.2017


Presented book is a handbook for students of all three stages (bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral degree) of the field on animal sciences.
The book is discussed and recommended to publish by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Biosystems Engineeringof the Technical University of Georgia.
The books discusses the general situation of goat breeding field in the world, such as:  goat domestication issues, reproduction, dairy, meat and other productive data. Common diseases of goat, their signs, prevention and cure.
It also includes worldwide approved terminology for goat breeding.
The list of references includes literature that are created and issued on the bases of both early and modern researches.
So, presented handbook will be interesting for every reader, who are interested in animal sciences, especially for those ones, interested in goat breeding.

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